Thursday, October 27, 2011

The "Enough" Prayer

"As for what was sown among thorns, this is the one who hears the word, but the cares of the world and the lure of wealth choke the word, and it yields nothing." - Matthew 13:22

Dear Friends in Christ -

Obviously, I haven't figured out what "enough" is in my own life. I say "obviously" because I've neglected writing here for some time - and I really enjoy doing this! My schedule overfloweth. Many of the good things I want to do I don't get around to - and I spend more time than I would like to admit on things that seem important (or praiseworthy) but that, in the long haul, don't prove to be worth that much. Sigh.

Enough. What is enough? How much money is "enough" money? How much time is "enough" time? How much effort is "enough" effort? And how are we to know?

Today's Gospel lesson points out what happens to the Word when the cares of the world and the lure of money get to us: the Word gets choked out. And when the Word gets choked out - out-yelled in the daily shouting match for our attention, forced to take a backseat to other "crucial" things in our agenda - we yield nothing. Nothing of significant value, at least.

I have a friend I really admire. She does important work: she's a peacemaker who's job is to bring warring, wounded parties together to try to work out peace and reconciliation agreements. She's been working overtime lately, with more and more work coming her way. Recently, I asked her: "How do you know when you've done enough?" She said, "I ask myself the question, 'Was I kind to people each person who crossed my path today?'" If the answer is yes, then she believes she's done well, she's done enough.

Another friend of mine shared with me the prayer she's been praying lately: it's a prayer asking for guidance to "enough." I'm praying it these days, and I invite you to join me.

Whether it's "enough" time or money or grace we need, this prayer draws us to Jesus, the source of all we need . . . (It's from a book entitled, "Enough")

"Lord, help me to be grateful for what I have, to remember that I don't need most of what I want, and that joy is found in simplicity and generosity. Amen."

Faithfully in Him,