Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Third Day of Christmas

Dear Friends in Christ -

WARNING! The following is a LEGEND, which is a meaning-making story. While not factually true, it does turn a fun, popular Christmas song, into a tool for learning something more about our faith. Enjoy!

Legend has it that in the 16th century, children were taught the "12 days of Christmas" song/rhyme to reinforce their Christian values since, at the time, they were not allowed to practice their religion in England. It was a kind of "code" that was hidden in the message as they sang the song.

The First Day of Christmas -
a partridge in a pear tree: Jesus Christ
The Second Day -
two turtle doves: the Old and New Testaments
The Third Day -
three french hens: three Christian values = faith, hope, and charity
The Fourth Day -
four calling birds: the four Gospels
The Fifth Day -
five golden rings: the first five books of the Old Testament
The Sixth Day -
six geese a-laying: the six days of creation
The Seventh Day -
seven swans a-swimming: the seven gifts of the spirit (Romans 12:6-8)
The Eighth Day -
eight maids a-milking: the eight Beatitudes (Matt. 5:3-10)
The Ninth Day -
nine ladies dancing: the nine fruits of the spirit (Galations 5:22-23)
The Tenth Day -
ten lords a-leaping: the Ten Commandments
The Eleventh Day -
eleven pipers piping: the eleven faithful Apostles (Luke 6:14-16)
The Twelfth Day -
twelve drummers drumming: the twelve points of doctrine in the Apostles' Creed

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