Dear Friends in Christ -
Today is Epiphany, the day we celebrate the arrival of the Wise Men, the seekers who had followed the star for a LONG time. In many cultures around the world, particularly in Latin American countries, big celebrations are held to mark the arrival of the Wise Men! What joy that their journey ended with the discovery of a little baby who was - and is - the incarnate One. On this day, may you, like the Wise Men, find that which you seek.
In celebration, I offer to you the gift of this beautiful little story from today's Forward Day By Day. Enjoy!
On a Christmas Day more than twenty years ago, I watched seven people slip inside the front door of the nave during the last hymn of the eucharist. The women and girls were well-dressed and each wore a corsage. "We are Muslim, from Turkey. We don't know what to do," one of the women said. "We know this is Jesus' birthday. We wanted to be in God's house and honor Jesus and Maria."
What an unexpected delight! I took them on a tour of the church explaining the stained glass windows, the objects and sumbols of our faith, and answered their many questions. The woman interpreted for the young ones who knew no English. They were most visibly impressed with the creche. When it was time to conclude, we thanked each other, and I gave each of them a candle and a poinsetta. They asked if they might leave something as well. One by one, each of them removed her corsage and laid it before the creche. Soon, they were out the door into the cold. I felt I had met the magi.
-- This "Forward Day By Day" meditation is offered by a priest who writes anonymously
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