Monday, March 2, 2009

First Miracle

Dear Friends in Christ -

The Gospel lesson in today's Daily Office Readings is one of my favorites - John 2:1-12, "Jesus goes to a wedding." It's the story of how Jesus gets into the miracle business.

It's pretty clear from the way the story is told that Jesus hasn't planned to do any miracles on this day. Perhaps he goes to the wedding with his mom out of duty; there's no mention of Joseph, so maybe he had to work that day and Jesus (the eldest son) is her escort. In any event, even when his mom points out that the wine is about to run out, Jesus clearly doesn't think it's his responsibility to do anything about it.

But one thing leads to another . . . he's a good Jewish son, obedient to his mother. So when she basically instructs him to help by sending servants to him to do his bidding, he steps up. And the result is a miracle.

Every day, as our lives brush up against the lives of people around us, unexpected things happen. Some of those things - kind words, helpful deeds - result in honest-to-goodness miracles. Things that are needed appearing as if out of nowhere. Someone being saved from humiliation by a friend just doing what he can.

May this be a day when you dare to lend a hand. You might just be part of a miracle.

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