Saturday, April 18, 2009

Why she catches our attention

Dear Friends in Christ -

It's been all the rage this week to hear Susan Boyle's performance on Britain's Got Talent. Everybody's talking about the stirring singing of this 50-ish never-been-kissed spinster. There was even debate at St. Paul's choir rehearsal about how talented she is/isn't.

I think the more interesting question is this: why does she catch our attention? What is it about her that draws us in and stirs our hearts? Consider this answer: We find her performance compelling because each of us has a talent (or two!) that's just waiting to be uncovered and shared. In the midst of our work-a-day lives, we long to do the things dearest to our hearts, crafts and arts through which we can share the deepest parts of who we are. (Let's face it, we'd like it if those things brought in some notoriety and/or cash, too!)

May God's love draw your talents out into the light, that your goodness may shine and that the world may be blessed through them.


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