Dear Friends in Christ -
Remember back when we were kids . . . on the first day back from summer vacation, you had to tell your story, "What I did on vacation was . . ."
Ed and I just returned from our anniversary vacation, a celebration of a decade of marriage on our 13th anniversary. We had some celebratory catching up to do, so we decided to do it big - with a trip to Barbados. This was a big adventure for me. I had never been to a far away sunny, sandy island before.
In addition to the sheer beauty of the place, what struck me most was the change of pace. For the entire time we were there, nothing and no one moved quickly. The pace was a marked contrast with life in Connecticut. What did I learn? Simply this: there's another way of living. Another good way of living.
Clergyman Max Warren once said, "It takes the whole world to know the whole Gospel." Indeed, I encountered something true and good that I wouldn't have understood without travelling to another place and experiencing, even for a short time, how some of God's other children live.
May God continue to help us all to encounter places and people that challenge our assumptions and catapult us into new Life.
Faithfully yours,
It is great to escape and put your toes in the sand. I'm sure it is hard to come back to cold temperatures and the fast pace of life. Best wishes on your aniversary.