Friday, January 22, 2010

NPR and the Sunset

Dear Friends in Christ -

This evening as I nagivated the hour-long circuit I drive each day to pick up my children from day-care and school, I was listening to NPR correspondents in Haiti talk about the struggle of the survivors of the earthquake and the obstacles faced by those who are bringing aid. As I witnessed these reports with my ears, my eyes were witnessing something else: an outrageously beautiful sunset, the most beautiful one I've seen in months, if not years. Oranges and aquas fading to pinks and deep violet.

It was a strange juxtaposition, the bleakness and the beauty. Such moments hold so much tension that I can hardly stand it. Part of me rushes to escape, to stop noticing one or the other, or to move on to something entirely different.

Rather than escaping, I chose to just stick with it. I left the radio on and turned off the road to get a better look at the sunset. It happened that the place I turned into was a cemetery. The deepening of the irony wasn't lost on me. Now my children and I were the living among the dead, witnessing the bleakness and the beauty.

As I drove home, I felt relieved that the tension remained unresolved. No easy answers. I just prayed that the people in Haiti were seeing a beautiful sunset, too.


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