Friday, March 19, 2010

Jammed . . . and unstuck

Dear Friends in Christ -

I haven't posted here in over two weeks, - long enough for someone to call and ask if this thing is broken.

The answer is "sort of." The electronic part hasn't malfunctioned. However, the steady stream of posts that I had kept up for several months has been entirely dammed up. The great log of Lent fell down and then the detrius in the stream (countless bits of things to do and be here and there) collected around it until there has been nothing making its way downstream to this page.

So I'm here today to clear the logjam and make a way for the stream to flow freely again. By taking time to remember my password to the site (it's scary that I forget so quickly!). By dusting off my listening ears so that my writing fingers receive material for a message. By re-consecrating time regularly, not only to pray for you, but also to write good, true, occasionally humorous, things to you as an outgrowth of these prayers.

In the past couple of years, there has been great discussion in U.S. church circles about whether and how there should be blogging and social networking in the church. After hearing an interview on NPR yesterday, I had an ah-ha moment. The modes of communication I grew up with and prefer - in-person, phone, letter - are all passe. That's hard for me to believe, seeing as how I've spent only about 20 years as an adult. How can it be that the modes of communication with which I am most familiar and comfortable are about as effective as shouting through a bull-horn from the middle of the Huntington Green at cars whizzing by?!

Alas and alack!* So much for my lovely scrolled stationary and favorite ink pen! If the best way I can reach you for Christ is "online," you'll hear from me again soon, here in cyberspace.


*If you don't know what it means, look it up!!!

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