Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Blind Painter

Dear Friends in Christ -

An article in yesterday's newspaper caught my attention. It was about a blind painter. He was born with his sight, but numerous seizures over the course of his life caused him to lose his sight. Now, he's completely blind. But art critics say that his painting has improved - evidence of which was shown in the article: a recent portrait that was quite good. How is it possible that a man's painting improved as his sight gave out? He says his painting is better now because he's no longer afraid. Blindness has caused him to accept what he paints; he can no longer look at his work, judge it to be bad, and block his creative process.

Life is difficult. And unfair. But God offers us transformation in the midst of it all. "The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone." The thing that we would love to forego, trade in or avoid if we could may be the just the place where we will experience the greatest grace, see the most unexpected marvels.

God doesn't will everything. But He does have a will in everything. The apostle Paul (a guy who spent a lot of time suffering and in prison) bravely reminds us that His will is this, that "all things work together for good for those who love God."

On this day may you be drawn, even and especially through the dark places in your life, into God's transforming love and light.

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