Friday, February 13, 2009

More Dancing!!

Dear Friends in Christ -

I hope you're planning to come to the church tomorrow night for a little Valentine's dancing and dessert fun! There is something deeply joyful and spiritual in getting together to dance and play. Our culture so values "skills" and "success," that it's hard for us adults to just let our hair down and have fun, but it's GOOOOD. Over these past weeks, I have felt God smiling as we've gotten together on these dark winter evenings.

Tomorrow night, our instructor, Piers, will come a little early (6:00 p.m.!) to help you get a jump on things - if you've not come for dance lessons before - or if you want to brush up for Piers' "contest!"

Come put on your dancin' shoes and strut your stuff!!! Join in the joy!

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