Dear Friends in Christ -
Bishops Douglas, Curry and Ahrens wrote us a letter. You can view a copy on the second page of the Good News diocesan newspaper available at
For me, a few things really stuck out:
1. The letter was a written by Bishop Douglas on behalf off all the Connecticut bishops. It's clear that Bishop Douglas means it when he says that he views the Episcopate in Connecticut as a shared ministry, not him at the top and the other bishops as side-kicks.
2. Bishop Douglas doesn't intent to start by changing a lot of things. Instead, everyone in the diocese - staff, parishes, clergy, etc. - are being invited into a process of discernment. The outcome of that process will then dictate the changes that are made.
3. The bishops are open to talking about issues that have been contentious in the past. The letter raises the question of whether we should continue with Confirmations at the Deanery level or whether we should have confirmations more locally, when the Bishop makes his/her visitation. It sounds like a simple question, but there are lots of considerations. The Bishops are signalling, though, that they value our input on the matter.
4. Last but certainly not least, Bishop Douglas outlined how he plans to stay healthy in the midst of the large and challenging ministry to which he's been called. He told us what his schedule will generally look like and what he does in his time off to rest and rejuvenate. His words have caused me to continue to reflect on my own pattern of life.
If any of these topics spark your interest, please do read the letter from the Bishops. And don't hesitate to share your thoughts with me . . . revjanet@stpaulsct. org.
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