Thursday, June 3, 2010

Things learned while walking . . .

1. My gait has its own rhythm and pattern, and I can tell pretty quickly if I'm in the grove. (And if I'm not, there's a particular spot on the right side of my right knee that lets me know!)

2. I enjoy walking with other people, but I walk more slowly when I "multi-task" by walking and talking at the same time.

3. Getting this "walk around Shelton" accomplished is important to me, but it's not more important than stopping to greet the gardeners working near the Scinto office towers or helping people who stop me to ask for directions.

4. We live in a place with lots of "texture;" there are no perfectly flat places or perfectly straight lines in this whole town!

5. (And perhaps most important!) I'm making decisions differently than I used to. I used to be more guarded about things. I used to avoid pushing my boat into unknown waters. When I felt called to this walking adventure, I told everyone about it before I knew whether I could walk all 31 miles (and I'm still not totally sure!). Certainty is worth a lot, but the grace of togetherness is priceless!

Faithfully yours . . . step by step . . .

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