Monday, November 29, 2010

Less Hurry, More Holy: Who's in charge of the things-to-do list?

"learn to do good; seek justice, rescue the oppressed, defend the orphan, plead for the widow." - Isaiah 1:17

Dear Friends in Christ -

As a priest, Monday is my day off. So this morning, I got up and went through my morning routine (yoga, kids off to school, shower, starting a load of laundray), and then I sat down to pray . . . and make "the list."

This time of year, my things-to-do list is LONG. In addition to the regular grocery shopping and dry cleaning and returning (overdue!) books to the library, now there's shopping for gifts and preparation for parties and shipping Advent calendars to our godchildren and . . . and . . . and . . .

And then, as I prayed and read my Bible, I ran across God's list: "seek justice, rescue the oppressed, defend the orphan, plead for the widow."

Hmmmm . . . what are we supposed to do with that list? Compare it to our own list? Add it to our own list?

My usual approach when I read something like this in my daily devotions is to FEEL GUILTY about all the things I'm not doing. And then, out of guilt, try to add something from God's list to my already over-long list. And then not do it. And then feel guilty about that.

Today, I'm going to try something different. Right now, I'm asking God to give me an opportunity today to do something on His list. And I'm asking God to give me the courage to turn aside from my list and do the "His list" thing when it comes up.

I dare you to join me by pray this prayer, too, and doing a "His list" thing today as the opportunity arises. I'm excited to see what happens, and I invite you to share your story in the comments section below!


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