Dear Friends in Christ -
Sometimes when I'm not writing to you on this blog (which I love to do, by the way!), it's because I'm busy - busy wrestling with God.
I've been wrestling with God over three things this week:
1. The sermon for Sunday. Frankly, it's Christ the King Sunday and I don't like the Gospel reading; it's a downer. So God and I have been having a discussion about what I'm going to say.
2. Christmas presents. Usually I make at least some of the Christmas gifts we give. This year, I haven't been knitting scarves or making jam, and now - all of a sudden - it's November! I prayed for help and God's making some suggestions about gift-giving, but I'm not sure I like His ideas!
3. Advent Bible study. I want to do one; some of you have told me that you want to one. I've been praying about what to do (topic, format, etc.), and God has a suggestion that I find exciting; I'm just not sure I want to commit . . .
Sooo . . . on this quiet fall evening, I'm just taking a moment to sit quietly in God's presence, so I can remember God's delight in me - whether or not I figure these things out, whether or not I do all the right things.
May you know God's delight in you this day, too, - in the midst of and/or in spite of everything!
You started out wrestling, and you ended up sitting quietly. Does that mean you got pinned?