Saturday, March 12, 2011

Another invitation to "Come and See"

Nathanael said to him, ‘Can anything good come out of Nazareth?’ Philip said to him, ‘Come and see.’ - John 1:46

Dear Friends in Christ -

Jesus found Philip. Philip found Nathanael. In response to Philip's enthusiastic announcement that he's found the Messiah, Nathanael is all bluster and blow. I can just picture the air whooshing out of Philip's heart balloon as it's punctured by Nathanael's pin-prick response.

And here's the thing: Nathanael really IS interested in this Messiah. When Jesus meets him, Jesus knows it, and says to Nathanael, "Here is truly an Israelite in whom there is no deceit." No deceit, perhaps, but certainly some conceit. Jesus gamely overlooks Nathanael's flaws, and welcomes him on board as a disciple anyway.

But have you ever been in Philip's shoes? Have you ever invited someone to come see what you're seeing, to enjoy what you're enjoying, only to have them pooh-pooh it with some disparaging remark?

Following Jesus - and inviting others to see what you see, to experience what you've experienced - is not for the faint of heart. Just stay strong, as Philip did; extend the invitation again, just as Philip does here. Jesus is pushing toward the person you long for Him to meet. And Jesus has the power to cut through all the bravado, all the bluster and blow, to call out their goodness and welcome them to follow, too.


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