Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Secrets of the Psalm

"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want." - Psalm 23:1

Dear Friends in Christ -

Often, when I hear this Psalm, I get stuck on the first line . . . "I shall not want."

While it's true that I'm not lacking for food or clothing or shelter, I have so many wants. I want things that I truly NEED - like new windshield wipers so that I can see while driving in the rain - and things that I DON'T need - like a new KitchenAid mixer to replace a 40-year-old hand-me-down mixer that still works.

Deeper than that, I have these other wants . . . longings for forward progress in so many areas of my life. Longings for safety for my kids and peace in the world.

As I've prayed this Psalm over and over today, one of its secrets unlocked. The first word in each of the next four phrases is the key. "HE makes me to lie down in green pastures; HE leads me beside still waters; HE restores my soul. HE leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake."

Ah, yes. When I bring my whole self to my Shepherd, everything falls into the right order, the right perspective, the right priority. I can relax even my most intense agendas for good and enjoy God being in charge.

When I do that, another of the Psalm's secrets is revealed . . . "Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil; for YOU are with me." Praying this Psalm shows me how prayer itself moves me closer to God. What starts out as a third person prayer, becomes an intimate first person conversation . . . and Life in His house, where my whole heart is at rest, its deepest longings fulfilled.

Faithfully resting this day,

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