Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Light one candle

Dear Friends in Christ -

This past Sunday, our Junior Choir sang about lighting candles . . . light one candle for peace, light one candle for hope, light one candle for joy, light one candle for love . . .

The lighting of candles - and doing so together - has taken on special meaning this week. On Sunday afternoon at a menorah lighting in Fairfield, masked men with swastika flags showed up to interrupt the Jewish services. The men fled before the police could arrive, so now justice must be served in another way. And, perhaps, for the better.

Without each and every one of us taking a stand for peace and justice, darkness will continue to have its place in our world. So please do what you can in these holy days to let the light of God's love, hope, peace and joy be the last word.

Yesterday, I signed a letter in the Connecticut Post condemning acts of hate and inviting all to come together in the name of peace and love, in the name of God. That's just one way to take a stand. Another opportunity - offered to all - is to participate in the menorah lighting at the Jewish Center for Community Services, 4200 Park Avenue, Bridgeport, at 4:45 tomorrow (Wednesday) evening.

In these holy days, please do whatever you can to let the world know that hate and disrespect of any kind is NOT OK. As Christians here as St. Paul's, we take a stand for peace and hope and joy and love.


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