Dear Friends in Christ -
Our mission team is traveling to Ecuador in just over two weeks. As part of the preparation of our hearts for this mission, we're committing pray the Lord's Prayer every day in Spanish.
As I prayed this prayer this morning, I realized that understanding of another language, another culture, begins with the willingness to open my heart and my mind, to take the risk to believe that I can understand, rather than protecting myself with "I can't."
As I pray this prayer, I hope that God will begin to build a bridge between me and the people I'll meet, making a way for us to understand and bless each other.
I invite you to pray it with our team. May the humble act of trying something new be a blessing to you, build a bridge in you.
Padre nuestro que Estás en los cielos:
Santificado sea tu nombre,
venga tu reino,
sea hecha tu voluntad,
como en el cielo Así también en la tierra.
El pan nuestro de cada Día, Dánoslo hoy.
Perdónanos nuestras deudas,
como también nosotros perdonamos a nuestros deudores.
Y no nos metas en Tentación,
mas Líbranos del mal.
Porque tuyo es el reino, el poder
y la gloria por todos los siglos.
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