Thursday, December 2, 2010

Less Hurry, More Holy: In case you're wondering . . .

"May he so strengthen your hearts in holiness that you may be blameless before our God and Father" - 1 Thessalonians 3:13a

Dear Friends in Christ -

Wondering about the source of the Scripture quotations I've been using for these Advent reflections? Well, they're from the Daily Office, a two-year cycle of readings listed in the back of the Prayer Book. If you read the assigned passages every day for two years, you read through pretty much the entire Bible. There are three short readings listed for each day - a reading from the Old Testament, a reading from Paul's letters, and a reading from the Gospels.

There's a place you can find a list of these readings online, too:

What I've been doing is just sharing a snatch of one of these readings and offering my reflections on that.

Sometimes it seems that Scripture is random - and doesn't really apply. Sometimes it seems that the words on the page of the Bible were put there especially, specifically for you right at this moment.

Either way, daily reflection on Scripture starts to change us, shape us. As I look back over my sermons and blog posts, I start to see themes and patterns, things that God is systematically trying to reveal to me, to us. So that we can be stronger, holier, closer to the One who loves us and gives us fullness of life.


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