Saturday, December 4, 2010

Less Hurry, More Holy: Worth it . . .

"‘When you hear of wars and insurrections, do not be terrified'" - Jesus
(Luke 21:9a)

Dear Friends in Christ -

In some of his last conversations with his disciples before his own time of trial, Jesus talks with them about the trials they will face. Jesus speaks to them with urgency - and confidence. He is sure that he's right in telling them this: they don't need to be afraid. The trials they will face will be extremely difficult, but temporary. Then Jesus directs their attention to what will happen beyond the trials themselves.

That's the hard part, really, - being able to hold onto the goodness that lies ahead tightly enough not to lose your grip on it. Tightly enough to get through the painful challenges of the present.

But Jesus promised his disciples - and us - that hanging on through present struggles is worth it. In the process, we'll be drawn closer and closer to God; so close, in fact, that God's thoughts will be on our lips at a moment's notice. And, finally, we'll gain the ultimate prize: "by your endurance you will gain your souls." To gain our souls is nothing more or less than this: to come into our full, whole, lively, wonderful selves.

So how do we hang on in the midst of wars and insurrections that tear our world apart, in the midst of deep wounds and broken relationships that tear us apart? We do what the disciples did. We stick with those who believe, those who speak truth, those who encourage us and who by their good example point the way.


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