Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Less Hurry, More Holy: KISB

"'Teacher, we know that you are right in what you say and teach, . . . Is it lawful for us to pay taxes to the emperor, or not?'" - Luke 20:21,22

Dear Friends in Christ -

I blame my parents for a lot of things, including this: I'm a dyed-in-the-wool rule-follower. They raised me to color inside the lines, read the instructions, do what I was told.

This is usually seen as a good trait, a praise-worthy way of being. But there's a problem with following the rules: everywhere you look there are rules. The government has rules. The workplace has rules. Families have rules. The culture has rules. Even God (and the church) have rules. And you can make yourself crazy trying to follow them all and keep everyone happy. I know; I've done it.

What rules are you going to follow this holiday season? The Emily Post rules of etiquette that say you have to get a gift for every person who gives one to you? The Biblical rules of caring first for those in need? The Suze Orman rules of personal finance that say cut back on gift giving and never pay for anything on a credit card?

In the midst of seemingly competing demands, Jesus' response to the scribes and chief priests invites us to peaceful resolution: don't make things more difficult than they need to be, know where your responsibilities lie, allow yourself to simply do what needs doing - no more, no less.

In other words - Keep It Simple, Beloved.

Faithfully striving to live more simply,

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