Sunday, February 7, 2010

Christian Meditation

Dear Friends in Christ -

As we make our way through our 12-week series on Spiritual Disciplines, this week's discipline is the discipline of meditation. Christian meditation differs from the meditation of Eastern religions in one very important way: in Eastern religions the purpose of meditation is to empty the self, to get to divine "nothingness." In Christianity, the purpose is to empthy the self of all busyness, chaos and negativitiy so that we can be filled up - with God's goodness and presence, so that we can hear His voice.

In church today, I led us all through a guided meditation, a process of using the imagination to create a quiet place and invite God to meet us there. This is just one way to meditate. (Some folks have shared with me that it was a tender and/or powerful experience for them!)

In the midst of the coming week, you are invited to continue to practice Christian meditation. It's not complicated. Find a quiet place, give yourself permission not to keep track of the time, make your body still, imagine yourself in a serene place, invite Jesus to meet you there, and listen for his voice. He may or may not say anything to you, but even sitting in His presence is healing.

May God continue to bless us this week as we continue to seek Him!

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