Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Weather they're right or weather they're wrong

Dear Friends in Christ -

The thing that I love most about the weather is that we don't have any control over it. And even our most advanced weather science can't give us accurate predictions about what will happen and when.

Weather the forecasters or right or weather they're wrong (pun intended!) matters less than the posture of my heart. I can get all worried about what will happen and what won't happen. Or I can loosen up a bit, breathe deeply, and make wise, safe decisions.

As I look out my window, I realize that the snow coming down looks completely different to me depending on the posture of my heart. If I'm worried about what does/doesn't lie ahead it looks like a threatening, grey slushy mess. If my heart is open and I'm confident that we'll make it through, I notice the beauty of the snow even as it turns to rain and the shhooshing sounds the cars make as they move along the wet streets.

Will the people with whom I have appointments be able to get here today? Will I be able to make it to the nursing home to lead the service there? Will there be Vestry Meeting tonight? I don't know. But right this moment, I realize that what matters most isn't that I know; what matters most is that God is here. And that's true weather or not things happen according to our careful plans.


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