Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow Day Invitation

Dear Friends in Christ -

If recent sociologial studies are any indication, about 25% of St. Paul's parishioners are probably connected to the internet right now, on this snow day. If you're trolling around and have made your way to this blog, that means you're probably looking for something meaningful in your day . . . Well, you've come to the right place!

Here's an invitation . . .
Please take a few minutes and write a meditation for our parish booklet of Lenten Reflections. It's not that difficult . . . grab your Bible, say a prayer, look up one of these passages and write a few paragraphs (2-4) about what the passage means to you - or even about questions that are raised for you by the passage.

Here are the dates/Scriptures passages we need reflections on . . .
2/20 - John 17:20-26
2/25 - Mark 2:1-12
2/27 - Mark 2:23-3:6
3/1 - Mark 3:7-19a
3/6 - Mark 5:1-20
3/8 - Mark 5:21-43
3/12 - Mark 6:47-56
3/15 - Mark 7:24-37
3/18 - Mark 8:27-9:1
3/21 - John 12:1-8
3/23 - Mark 9:42-50
3/24 - Mark 10:1-16
3/31 - Mark 12:21-32
4/4 - John 20:1-18

Please email your reflection to Nancy Wilson, our parish administrator, at

Concerned about there being more than one reflection submitted on each passage? "No te preocupes!" (That's Spanish for 'don't worry!') Just pick the passage you feel inspired to choose and leave the rest to us; we'll find a way to publish what you share!

Thanks, in advance, for using a part of the gift of this day to give a gift from your heart to your brothers and sisters in the faith at St. Paul's!

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