Dear Friends in Christ -
A friend of mine said it plain today . . . "Lent is not for wimps."
In preparing for Lent this past week, the temptation I've been struggling with is the temptation to avoid having a Lenten discipline altogether. To just skip out on trying, so I don't have to worry about whether or not I might fail.
But it's wimpy to avoid failure by refusing to step up to the plate. So I'm going to try to live into the blessing we've been receiving on Sunday mornings ("May God give you grace to try and to fail . . .") by not only having a Lenten discipline but telling you what it is.
Over the next 40 days, I'm going to simplify, to declutter. My schedule. My house. My habits. To get rid of unnecessary "stuff" wherever it crops up.
In taking on this discipline, I'm going to try to avoid making this process harder than it needs to be. Rather than making lists of things that "need" to be tackled, I'm going to start simplifying by simplifying this disciopline itself - by trusting that an opportunity to declutter something will come to me each day. Then I'll just do it, right then and there.
Please pray for me! And please know that I'm praying for you, as you strive to be faithful to your Lenten commitment.
Blessings to you as you avoid wimping out and choose to go deeper in faithfulness this Lent,
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