Dear Friends in Christ -
Today I broke my Sabbath rest for an important meeting. I met with a community committee working to fight childhood poverty. There were people there from city government, schools, libraries, hospitals, children's organizations (like Head Start and the YMCA), and me - representing YOU and all people in the churches in our Lower Naugatuck communities.
Childhood poverty isn't something that can be fixed in a meeting - or even two or three meetings. But community leaders working together can help make a map to follow, outline steps to take. Then TOGETHER we can make a difference. Wouldn't it be an amazing grace of the Lower Naugatuck Valley was known as a place where each and every child is cared for?!
It may sound like a dream, but I believe it's nothing less than the will of God. And I could feel the warmth of God's smile filling the room as we worked together today.
Stay tuned. Good will come of this, and I think it likely that YOU will be invited to be part of that goodness. How? I don't yet know. Perhaps you'll be invited to GIVE something, to DO something. Perhaps you'll be invited to RECEIVE something.
I do know this: right now, you are invited to imagine this Valley filled with children who have stable places to live, three nutritious meals each day, and safe, excellent schools. Holding this picture in our hearts prepares the way for heaven to be manifest in our midst.
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