Friday, February 26, 2010

Snow Cancellations



SHREDDING PARTY CANCELLED (The shredding truck will be coming on Monday morning to take care of all the boxes that we and the Counseling Center have collected. Anyone wishing to bring items for shredding is welcome to bring them on Sunday and put them with the pile in the Parish Hall or to bring items on Monday morning from 9:30-11:30.

Dear Friends in Christ –

These decisions are tough to make! Trust me, I have new-found empathy for school principals and superintendants.

There are a couple of things that go into these calculations:
1. Is it safe to be out and about? Are the roads passable? Will folks (especially those who are elderly or infirm) slip and fall?
2. Is it worth it to have leaders and other folks (cooks, etc.) working extra hard to fight through the weather to provide programs/services if many are unable or unwilling to attend?

In communication with other leaders involved in the parish activities tonight, I’ve decided to cancel all activities for tonight (supper, “Facing Your Giants” study, and “Welcome to the Table” class) and the Vision and Goal-Setting Workshop for tomorrow. I make these cancellations knowing that some of you will be relieved and some will be disappointed. Honestly, I’m a little of both!

A special note regarding the Vision and Goal-setting Workshop that was scheduled for tomorrow. Part of the reason that we won’t be holding the workshop is, certainly, that the inclement weather will surely keep some people at home. But the other reason is that we did NOT have enough people RSVP to really make it worth our while. In order for the process of goal-setting to work, we need about 40-50 participants (about 4 for each ministry team area – vestry liaison, team leader and a couple of others). We had 14 people RSVP for tomorrow’s workshop. I think that’s because some many vestry members and ministry team leaders assumed that we knew they were coming. But still there were only 5 non-vestry, non-team leader, non-staff folks on the list.

SOOOOO . . . in addition to rescheduling this workshop for SATURDAY, MARCH 13th, Mac and I made two other adjustments:
1. We will be meeting from 8:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. in hopes that the shortened timeframe will allow this to fit better into people’s schedules. (Childcare will be provided!)
2. We will focus specifically on goal-setting each of our ministry areas and bridge only slightly into the visioning work.
Though I’m frustrated to have to postpone this vision and goal-setting work again, I definitely have a sense that the Spirit is working, even now, to help us wait to do things until we can do them together and well.

Please know that I understand that moving these events does have significant impact on your schedules, and I deeply appreciate your faithfulness to St. Paul’s and to this important work of listening to God together for what He would have us to do.
I hope you have a lovely, cozy evening at home on this snowy night.

Rev. Janet+

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