Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Gift of a Day

Dear Friends in Christ -

Well, today is clearly not what I expected.

First, I expected to be at a workshop with dozens of you talking about the dreams God has for us and how we will live into those dreams.

Then, after the workshop leader and I decided to cancel the workshop due to the impending snow storm, I expected to be playing in the snow with my kids.

Now, no workshop and no snow! So now . . . what? As I was suffering under my own recriminations for not "getting it right," God whispered in my ear "I've given you the gift of a day; RECEIVE IT!"

And so, I smiled, and started receiving this day by staying in bed a little longer. What else will I do . . . Who knows?! I think the kids are already making plans for me. No matter what they decide, I will sneak off for an hour or so of quiet, partially to steep myself in recent goodnesses (I try to weave this in the routine of my days, rather than just letting the good stuff whiz by unnoticed).

One of the things I'm going to ponder is a little verse from the Shabbat service I attended last night with our Confirmation class . . . some words from their book of prayers . . .

"Don't stop after beating the swords
into ploughshares, don't stop! Go on beating
and make musical instruments out of them.
Whoever wants to make war again
will have to turn them into ploughshares first."

May the gift of this day have peace in it for us all.

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