Dear Friends in Christ -
I've been thinking a lot about my garden. Right now, as I look out over the patch of earth where it will be planted a few months from now, all I see is snow. Not even earth, just a blanket of snow.
I know, though, that under the blanket, the earth is being made ready. Just last week, I got the soil test results back. Great news. Last year's garden of vine crops remediated the soil. The vines soaked up high concentrations of lead that was there (likely the result of lead-based paint being dumped there over the years) without transmitting into the wonderful produce we ate all last summer and fall. Just another of nature's miracles.
It's as if, during this time, the earth itself is meditating, doing nothing but lazing about in its own skin, receiving the imprint of life through the light and the darkness and all forms of weather.
May our lives, like the earth, be full of great pauses, pauses in which we just laze about and make ready for the next good things that our Creator has for us.
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